The Institute, directly under the People's Government of Zhejiang Province, is a province level
comprehensive consulting institution with national class A qualification. We are engaged in research work
of economic construction planning, pre project work, and provide consulting service to government
departments and all sorts of investors for making investment decision and its execution.
Rich Human Resource ![]() Advanced Technical Equipment We have set up an information network linking with many information institutions of this other provinces, as well as institutions abroad, and a local area network with "one person one computer". We also have developed a comprehensive information system of office automation, and realized computerizing of daily office management and business process. The detailed consulting services include: working out long and middle term economic and social development plan of the Province, research of development strategy, regional economic development plan and industry development plan, preparation and appraisal of pre feasibility study report, project proposal and feasibility study report, making development plan and providing consulting service to enterprises at home and abroad, making capital appraisal, urban and rural planning and designing, project supervision, and examining and verifying budgetary estimation for project. The institute has participated in a series of research work and preparation of economic plans promoting greatly the economic development of the Province, such as "The ninth five year plan (1996-2000) & the perspective targets for the year of 2010 of Zhejiang Province", the comprehensive development plan of Southwest Zhejiang Area, the ports development plan of Zhejiang Province. The institute has organized and completed the following planning works:the infrastructure facilities construction plan of the coastal and islands area in Zhejiang Province(1998-2010), the marine exploitation plan of Zhejiang province, the regional plan along the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo expressway, the agriculture development plan of Mazhan in Shannon County, and some social and economic development plan of small towns and general plan of urban areas, These plans have beneficially promoted local economic development. The institute has participated in a lot of pre project work promoting greatly the provincial economic construction, in areas of capital construction of transportation, ports, telecommunication, energy, electricity, agriculture, water conservancy, and urban construction. The institute has finished successively supervision and capital appraisal for a large group of important projects, contributing to the project construction, enterprise reform, equity joint venture and cooperative joint venture, and capital restructuring in the province. |
Add£ºNo.195 Baochu Road Hangzhou Zhejiang China Post£º310007
Tel£º0086-571-7053680 Fax£º0086-571-7996762