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【Seminar Background】
In 2006,the international oil prices continued to operate at a high level, the price of raw materials,such as : DOP、PA、and NBA/2-EH, were all rise in big range , but also made those industries increased production costs, transportation and warehousing costs, and other costs. So that the DOP、PA、and NBA the downstream production enterprises in a costs that would rise substantially and profit margins are compressed even hang them upside down.. Most plants in little profit situation, only to reduce production, change to produce others or even cut off, the average plant operating rate grossly inadequate. Moreover, the consumer spending at a slow growth, putting serious pressure on the industry's profit margins. Under such circumstances, we will hold this Seminar, on how to change production enterprises the status, the output of domestic PA /DOP weather adjustment and meet the ultimate demand for downstream industries, the supply changes of raw materials NBA/2-EH (international and domestic) in the next year, and the effect of continuing high international oil prices and the appreciation of the RMB to the industry, with a view to jointly promote all the industry development healthily.

【Theme of Seminar】
一、International Crude Oil and OX Special Performance
1. The cause of sustained higher price of the international crude oil and that effect to the downstream rivers, in 2006.
2. The factors that the international crude oil influence to market and trend of analysis, in 2007.
3. The domestic OX supply status and the prospect market from 2006 to 2007.
4. The international OX supply status and the prospect market from 2006 to 2007.
二、NBA /2-EH Special Performance
1. The international NBA/2-EH supply condition in 2006 and the analysis of supply about NBA/2-EH in the few years.
2. The domestic NBA/2-EH supply condition in 2006 and the analysis of supply about NBA/2-EH in the few years.
3. The new installation of NBA/2-EH and the analysis of that supply and demand structural, in the few years.
4. The cause discussion and the outlook analysis of the 2-EH anti-dumping investigation is not tenable.
三、DOP Special Performance
1. The review of International DOP market of 2006 and outlook that in 2007.
2. The operating conditions and market demand of China DOP manufacturing plant in 2006.
3. The operating conditions and market forecast of China DOP manufacturing plant in 2007.
4. The demand for new type and development of DOP in the several years.
四、PA Special Performance
1. The supply and demand for PA in the Asian market, from 2006 to 2007.
2. The supply and demand analysis of domestic PA from 2006 to 2007.
3. .The supply condition of domestic PA and the downriver demand from 2006 to 2007.
4. The demand AK /DAP and development analysis in the few years.

【Conference Agenda】
Time:June 20 th to 23 th of 2007
Place: Nan jing, Jiang Su
The Charges:
Each one can represent charges 2,300 Yuan to Chinaccm.com, before the June 18, but Scene payment is 2,500 Yuan.
(Attention: the charges including conference affair spends and the material fee. The conference affair group assists to arrange lodgings,these expenses are the responsibility of the individual.)

【Conference Delegates】
1.Raw material OX、NBA and 2-EH Production Enterprises.
2.PA/DOP Machining Enterprise.
3.Business Traders.
4.PA and that downstream AK /DAP and leather Enterprises.
5.DOP and Correlation downstream plastic and film Enterprises.
6.NBA and 2-EH Correlation downstream Enterprises.

【Registration way】
Please all the conference Delegates fill in this "receipt list" earnestly, and feedback to our company(facsimile: (010-64645970).
Whatever payment way ( telegraphic transfer or post office remittance )you choose, by all means, you must pay to our company before June 18th, of 2007 .

【Payment Method】
a) Telegraphic transfer
Company:Beijing Chuang Yi Fang Technology Co. Ltd.
Bank Account: Beijing Merchants Bank Jing'an Sub-branch
Bank Account Number: 6880082910001
b) The Post Office Remittance
Postal Address:Suite 205, Bailing Mansion, #1 ZuoJiaZhuangQianJie,Beijing100028,China
Payee:Li Bin

Time: June 20 th to 23 th of 2007
Place: Nan jing, Jiang Su

The Receipt List

Contact Methods :
  Address:Suite 205, BailingMansion, #1 Zuo Jia Zhuang Qian Jie, Beijing 100028, China
          Li Queping(13552422571)
          Xiong Wenguo(13717772761)
          Zhao na(13683396375)
          Liu Caipin(13488749209)
  Tel:010-84547679 84547683
            84547680 84547678