
    宏德铸造材料有限公司是一家专门从事铸造材料科研. 生产和销售的公司. 乃香港宏德发展有限公司全资附属机构. 特设由经验丰富的教授领导的新材料开发部门, 针对不断进步的铸造工艺而提供国内外最佳材料.
    我们的经营理念是为铸造厂家们提供一站式的原材料采购及技术服务, 以最简单快捷方式向你提供价格相宜的优质产品. 我们的专业团队, 随时为你效劳. 请随时与我们联系.

    Vastly Casting Materials Co.,Ltd, wholly owned by the Vastly Developments Ltd, is a professional casting materials supplier with own research and production facilities. Our Research Department, headed by experienced professor, is committed in supplying the best materials for the advancing casting technique..
    Our philosophy is to become a "one-stop-shop" for the foundries so that they can get what they need in a simple and most economical way. Our professional sales and service team is ready to serve you. Please contact us.

地址: 广州市东风东路836号东峻广场二座1903室.
电话: (香港) 00852-2736 2088. (华南) 020-8760 5435. (华东) 0510-2200 552. (华北) 022-2579 0380.