Wuhan, an important industry city, is the famous thoroughfare of nine provinces.
For the purpose of strengthening the communication among the metallurgical trade and widening the sale channel for the enterprises in the middle China, the Metallurgical Trade Administration Office , the Construction Science & Technology Development Center
During the exhibition there will be lots of lectures on the special topics. Nearly 7000 member units from construction trade will be invited or attracted to the event. We welcome famous companies to participate for introducing their products.

Sponsor: The Metallurgical Trade Administration
Office of Hubei Province The Construction Science
& Technology Development Center of Hubei Province
Hubei Metal Association
Supporter: www.mysteel.com
www.mysteel.com Hubei Science
and Technology Association
Organizer: Hubei Hope Exhibition Co. Ltd.
Solely Sponsor: www.chinaccm.com
Duration: Mar. 18 - Mar.20. 2002
Location: Wuhan Science & Technology
Exhibition Center